- Winter Wonderland tonight at 6:30
- Math - Multiples of 10 multiplication DUE TOMORROW
- Spelling test tomorrow
- You can still bring cakes tonight! :)
- 2:30 dismissal tomorrow! :(
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Winter Wonderland tomorrow
- Bring cakes tomorrow morning
- Socks - Have them here tomorrow, Friday at the latest
- Health action plan due tomorrow
- Spirit Day tomorrow
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Oscar the Grouch was originally orange
His color was changed to the green that we all know and love during the show's second season.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/category/2/Celebs#iiafqRbH8bdUFA5m.99
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/category/2/Celebs#iiafqRbH8bdUFA5m.99
Agenda - Tuesday
Winter Wonderland - Cake information:
Our Winter Wonderland is this Thursday evening. There will be several activities taking place at Davison School that night including a "Cake Walk". Attendees will have the chance to win a cake by competing with one another. Historically, all Grade 5 students at the school have been asked to donate a cake for the cake walk on Thursday. This year, Mrs. Koval has asked us to do the same.
If you can, please send a cake with your child on Thursday so this event will be possible. Cakes can be dropped off in the 500 classroom on Thursday morning. If you have any questions, please contact the school. :) Thanks!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
random fact of the day
do you ever get ear infections well that is beacuse when ever your ear is cold your earwax starts rising and then your ear starts hurting
and that is how your ear infection gets started
Our Winter Wonderland is this Thursday evening. There will be several activities taking place at Davison School that night including a "Cake Walk". Attendees will have the chance to win a cake by competing with one another. Historically, all Grade 5 students at the school have been asked to donate a cake for the cake walk on Thursday. This year, Mrs. Koval has asked us to do the same.
If you can, please send a cake with your child on Thursday so this event will be possible. Cakes can be dropped off in the 500 classroom on Thursday morning. If you have any questions, please contact the school. :) Thanks!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Cake for Winter Wonderland - Information at dav500.blogspot.com
- Spelling - sentences due tomorrow
- Awards assembly tomorrow
random fact of the day
do you ever get ear infections well that is beacuse when ever your ear is cold your earwax starts rising and then your ear starts hurting
and that is how your ear infection gets started
Monday, December 17, 2012
Agenda - Monday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- ASAP tomorrow - Anyone who doesn't have a reading log handed in or a book report, plan to stay for lunch (And/or health menus)
- Spelling sentences - Wednesday
- Sock exchange $5 (For Friday - Let me know ASAP if you aren't going to participate)
Friday, December 14, 2012
Agenda - Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Christmas spirit day December 20th
- Health Action Plan December 20th
- Winter Wonderland December 20th
- Social Presenations continue next week
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Agenda - Early D December
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- 50 Spelling points due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Nov. Reading log - Austin, True, Bany, Dale
- Book Report - True, Bany, Taylen, Delaney, Anteneh. ASAP Tuesday/Thursday until it is done
- Health - Bany, Austin
- Delaney - Report Card
- Social Presentations start tomorrow
- Asessippi Coupons go home today
- Health Menus due tomorrow
Random Fact - Thursday
Muscle soreness – something I’m sure EVERYBODY can relate to. Even if you’ve never stepped into a gym, I’m sure that sometime in your life, you’ve done some sort of exercise/heavy work (mow the lawn, paint the house, wash the car, etc) – and experienced muscle soreness. Wanna know why you get sore? Then read on.
24 hours to 48 hours after a hard workout, most people begin to experience soreness in the body parts trained. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS.
DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise (such as weight training, intense cycling, etc). After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself (provided it is allowed enough time and nutrients to recover). This is the rebuilding process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before. In other words, your muscles are growing. Your muscles grow when you are at rest – not when you’re at the gym.
DOMS pain is different from the burning sensation and pump you feel during a workout and also different from the pain you get from an injury. DOMS is often used as an indication of a productive workout as it means you’ve trained intensely enough to break down muscle tissue.. and now, as a result, you will be rewarded with new muscle growth.
Beginners who have never exercised before would experience quite severe DOMS at first. However, the human body is an amazing thing and even the beginner’s body will slowly adapt to the workload and eventually – these episodes of soreness will be less severe. Remember the first time you blasted your biceps in the gym, only to realise that you could barely hold a pencil to write on a piece of paper the next day? Well, do you still experience such soreness today? Understand what I mean?
We need to constantly ‘shock’ our body with new routines and progressive overload in order to constantly and steadily stimulate muscle growth. Expect the soreness to return everytime you try something new at the gym though. ;)
24 hours to 48 hours after a hard workout, most people begin to experience soreness in the body parts trained. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS.
DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise (such as weight training, intense cycling, etc). After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself (provided it is allowed enough time and nutrients to recover). This is the rebuilding process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before. In other words, your muscles are growing. Your muscles grow when you are at rest – not when you’re at the gym.
DOMS pain is different from the burning sensation and pump you feel during a workout and also different from the pain you get from an injury. DOMS is often used as an indication of a productive workout as it means you’ve trained intensely enough to break down muscle tissue.. and now, as a result, you will be rewarded with new muscle growth.
Beginners who have never exercised before would experience quite severe DOMS at first. However, the human body is an amazing thing and even the beginner’s body will slowly adapt to the workload and eventually – these episodes of soreness will be less severe. Remember the first time you blasted your biceps in the gym, only to realise that you could barely hold a pencil to write on a piece of paper the next day? Well, do you still experience such soreness today? Understand what I mean?
We need to constantly ‘shock’ our body with new routines and progressive overload in order to constantly and steadily stimulate muscle growth. Expect the soreness to return everytime you try something new at the gym though. ;)
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
More than 16 000 children in the U.S. and U.K. auditioned for the role of Harry Potter
Ultimately, the went with Daniel Radcliffe, a 12-year-old kid at the time who had very little acting experience under his belt. Of course, 10+ years and 7 movies later, audiences couldn't imagine anyone else playing the part.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/category/2/Celebs#sHpL45fcko84VJSC.99
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Early D tomorrow
- Spelling test Friday
- Please post something on Edmodo tonight or tomorrow about why you enjoy it
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A baby whale gains about two-hundred pounds a day
The blue whale is the largest animal on earth, ever. A big blue whale can be 100 feet long and weigh up to 150 tons. That's as large as a Boeing jet. Its heart is as large as a small car. Fifty people could stand on its tongue. Its spout shoots up at least 30 feet when it surfaces for air.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/category/4/Animals#Y6U0cWbPoh3cfeHp.99
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Early D this week
- Social Presentations start Friday - Be ready
- Ask me about Multiplication Patterns
- Bring extra Christmas decorations if you can spare them :)
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday Agenda
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Missing report cards: Madison, Bany, Taylen, Delaney, Jaz
- Missing book reports: Delaney, True, Madison, Bany, Taylen, Anteneh, Dale, Cassie
- Health - Austin, Bany
- New spelling lists go home today
Friday, December 7, 2012
Random fact - Thanks Garrett!
What fish communicate through farting?
Fast repetitive tick (frt) is the name scientists have given the high pitched buzzing sound coming out of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,travel in large schools . Scientists think that herring make the sound to communicate at night. Because most fish cant pick up the high frequency, herring can communicate their location to one another without alerting many of their predators.The exceptions are whales and dolphins.These keen herring mammals pick up the herrings FRTS and use the signals to hut the fish.
Noise pollution
with so many noisy ships engines in the oceans,noise pollution is a serious problem for many marine mammals.Killer whales that feed almost entirely on herring might not be able to hear the herrings farts and wont be able to hunt them as well.And noise pollution might harm the herrings ability to hear and communicate with each other.
Fast repetitive tick (frt) is the name scientists have given the high pitched buzzing sound coming out of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,travel in large schools . Scientists think that herring make the sound to communicate at night. Because most fish cant pick up the high frequency, herring can communicate their location to one another without alerting many of their predators.The exceptions are whales and dolphins.These keen herring mammals pick up the herrings FRTS and use the signals to hut the fish.
Noise pollution
with so many noisy ships engines in the oceans,noise pollution is a serious problem for many marine mammals.Killer whales that feed almost entirely on herring might not be able to hear the herrings farts and wont be able to hunt them as well.And noise pollution might harm the herrings ability to hear and communicate with each other.
Agenda - Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Early D next week
- Social Presentations start next week
- Anything else?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- BRING LUNCH TOMORROW (Non-microwave)
- Be prepared to walk to the Comp. tomorrow for Storm Chaser presentation
- ITN ?
- Aaron, Dale, Jon, Garrett, Tadyn, Taylen, Anteneh, Kylie - Conference tonight
- Anything else?
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Wednesday Agenda
Happy Conference Day #1!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Eric, Spencer, Colby, Kade, Cassie, Austin, Makayla, Bany, Lizzie, True, Delaney - Conferences tonight
- Science test Friday
- Spelling test Friday
- Book reports - Dale, Makayla, Delaney, True, Madison, Bany, Taylen, Anteneh
- November reading logs - Dale, Cassie, Austin, True, Madison, Bany, Taylen, Delaney
- Health - Austin, Bany
- Reminder: Bring Lunch Friday (and warm clothes for walking!)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Happy Report Card Day!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Parent Homework -100 Points Tomorrow!
- Report Cards go home today
- Mini V-ball Wednesday
- Storm Chaser notes go home today
- ITN - You??
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
British McFlurry cups are designed to save hedgehogs!
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (yes, it exists) had repeatedly campaigned for years against the cups, asking McDonald's to change the design.
Finally, in 2006, McDonald's announced that after 'significant research and testing,' they had come up with a more hedgehog-friendly design that had a smaller opening and didn't let poor Sonic die if he was a little hungry. Sadly, though, hedgehogs can't taste the deliciousness of McFlurrys anymore.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Business/British-McFlurry-cups-are-designed-to-sa/48192#aEIhYmUJBBhPW7sY.99
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Hot lunch tomorrow
- Math #1-4 due tomorrow
- Spelling points (50) due Friday
- Spelling test Friday
- Health 5 Day journal due Friday
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tea helps strengthen your immune system by attacking bacteria, free radicals, viruses, and fungi. - OMG Facts
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Hamper donations - Bring in asap!
- Bring magazines if you haven't already
Monday, November 26, 2012
A crash reversed a paralympian's paralysis!
A crash reversed a paralympian’s paralysis!
Van der Vorst had been paralyzed since the age of 13. Before the accident that restored her ability to walk, van der Vorst was training to be a part of the 2012 Paralympics in London. Because she can now walk, she can no longer compete in the Paralympics as she had been training for, a career she misses.
Able-bodied, van der Vorst has worked hard to relearn how to ride a traditional bike. She has joined the Rabobank cycling team and is working hard to catch up to the other athletes on the team. It’s her goal to compete in the 2016 Olympics.
Agenda - Monday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Conference schedule goes home today
- Spelling sentences due tomorrow
- New spelling lists go home today
Friday, November 23, 2012
Happy PJ day!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Book orders go home today - Due November 29th
- X-mas hamper notes go home today
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Millionaires visit tomorrow
- Exemplars tomorrow
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Danish Pastry did not originate in Denmark
The Danish pastry did not originate in Denmark
In 1850, bakers in Denmark went on strike over wages, so the bakery owners were forced to hire foreign workers who specialize in baking, particularly Austrian Bakers. The Austrian Bakers were unfamiliar with Danish baking methods, so instead they baked their classic pastries from Austria to the public.
The Pastries the Austrians baked quickly became popular among the Danish people. Even when the Bakers' strike ended there was a massive demand for Austrian Pastries. It was because of the pastry's massive popularity in Denmark that it was called the "Danish."
Today, the Danish remains one of the most popular goods sold at Bakeries. In Denmark, the word for pastry is "wienerbrød," or "Viennese Bread."
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/History/The-Danish-pastry-did-not-originate-in-D/54129#0YLV4KYemW49Iue0.99
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Health Meal Tracking Sheets go home today
- Bring magazines to school
Monday, November 19, 2012
Agenda - Monday
Spelling - Misspelled Words (5 times each) in Spelling notebook due TOMORROW
Ask me about: A cool fact about my province/territory
Ask me about: A cool fact about my province/territory
Friday, November 16, 2012
Agenda- Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Mini Volleyball Monday
- Interview forms?
- Practice Spelling words over the weekend
Thursday, November 15, 2012
In London there was a 9.5 foot tal billboard made of chocolate
In London there was a 9.5 foot tall billboard made of chocolate. 
After taking 300 hours to construct it, the 14.5ft by 9.5ft pure chocolate structure was completely devoured by the public in 3 hours. The billboard was created for Easter festivities in 2007 in Covent Garden, and passersby, including a troop of Girl Scouts, were encouraged to eat it. It had a lot of variety too, everything from chocolate bunnies to hazelnut eggs.
Chocolatier Barry Colenso and a team of 10 constructed the billboard for publicity for Thorntons, a chocolate company. It was made from 128 chocolate panels, each weighing 2kg (4.4 lbs). It also included 72 giant chocolate eggs, and 10 chocolate bunnies.
After taking 300 hours to construct it, the 14.5ft by 9.5ft pure chocolate structure was completely devoured by the public in 3 hours. The billboard was created for Easter festivities in 2007 in Covent Garden, and passersby, including a troop of Girl Scouts, were encouraged to eat it. It had a lot of variety too, everything from chocolate bunnies to hazelnut eggs.
Chocolatier Barry Colenso and a team of 10 constructed the billboard for publicity for Thorntons, a chocolate company. It was made from 128 chocolate panels, each weighing 2kg (4.4 lbs). It also included 72 giant chocolate eggs, and 10 chocolate bunnies.
Agenda - Thursday (P.L.A.C.E.)
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Bring back OWL subscriptions asap
- Ask me about PLACE today
- P.L.A.C.E. presentation 1:00 tomorrow in the gym - Parents are welcome!
- Character Ed/Health?
- P/T conferences forms due back ASAP
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
P.L.A.C.E. agenda - Day one
Students, please note the following in your agenda:
1 - Ask me about my P.L.A.C.E. group
2 - Materials I need to bring tomorrow:
4 - Fish Dilemma is OVER DUE - Lizzie, Dale, True
1 - Ask me about my P.L.A.C.E. group
2 - Materials I need to bring tomorrow:
4 - Fish Dilemma is OVER DUE - Lizzie, Dale, True
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Agenda - Welcome back Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Be prepared to walk tomorrow!
- P.L.A.C.E. starts tomorrow
- Math problem solver - Fish - Due tomorrow
- Bring lunch tomorrow
- Operation X-mas child
Friday, November 9, 2012
Cracking your knuckles does not actually hurt your bones or cause arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles bursting.
Unfortunately, there can be too much of a good thing. Cracking your knuckles will never lead to arthritis (despite what your mom keeps telling you), but scientists have discovered that it can cause tissue damage in the affected joints. Knuckle-cracking pulls your finger bones apart which stretches your ligaments. Too much stretching of your ligaments will cause damage to your fingers akin to the arm injuries sustained by a baseball pitcher who throws too many pitches. In addition to making your hand really sore, this ligament damage can also result in reduced grip strength.
How does this work? Your joints, the places in your body where you can bend, are where your bones intersect and are held together by ligaments. These joints are surrounded by a liquid called synovial fluid. When you stretch your ligaments by pulling the bones apart to crack your knuckles a gas in the synovial fluid escapes and turns into a bubble. This process is called cavitation. Cavitation ends when the bubble eventually bursts, producing that popping sound we know and love. After that, your joints won't be able to crack for another 25-30 minutes while the gas gets reabsorbed into the synovial fluid.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/top#IW7tbUsxhb1Kazdp.99
Agenda - Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Bany, Taylen, Delaney, Austin, True - Reading Logs
- ITN - Tuesday - Bany
- No School Monday (Remembrance Day)
- PLACE starts next week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
- Social Maps are now overdue
- PLACE notes go home today (Everyone but Cassie)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
American Airlines saved $40 000 a year by taking out ONE olive from each salad they served
When it comes to cutting costs, taking out a single olive might not seem like the most effective way to go. But for American Airlines in 2001, it worked out quite well. Following 9/11, airlines were having some difficulty. There were numerous other factors involved, but the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon had left people a little uneasy about airplane travel, in the same way that movie ticket sales have been down following the recent shooting in Colorado.
To show an example, American Airlines’ then rival, United Airlines, was doing so poorly that they would have needed to fill 103% of their seats just to break even. So Bob Crandall, the former chief of AA, made many cost cutting decisions- including removing one olive from each salad.
While one olive might not seem like much cost saving, all the olives taken out made up a $40,000 drop in in-flight meal costs per year.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/3#kvPmcmwX6auOIxxx.99
Agenda - Thursday (Early D)
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Wear black and red for Remembrance Day tomorrow
- Poppy Money (Donations)
- Library tomorrow - Bring your books back
- Remembrance Day service tomorrow at 11:00
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Early D tomorrow
- True and Taylen - ITN
- Red and Black day Friday
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Reading logs - Cassie, Makayla, Austin, True, Bany, Colby, Taylen, Delaney
- Operation X-mas Child - Now collecting
- Social Maps - DUE FRIDAY (If you're not finished)
- Garrett ITN Tomorrow
- Mini Volleyball tomorrow - Bring your lunch
Monday, November 5, 2012
Agenda - Monday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Overdue reading logs
- Miss S. gone tomorrow afternoon - Mr. Albers is in
- 20 Spelling points due tomorrow
Friday, November 2, 2012
Piggy back rides
Have you ever wondered why piggy back rides are called piggy back rides?

Early forms of the phrase "piggyback" date back to the 16th century with "pick pack," "pick back" and "pick-a-pack," which make no reference to pigs at all!
"Pick" back then used to mean the same as "pitch" does now: to throw or place (e.g. "pitch a tent"). "Pack" was probably a reference to something being carried so "pick pack" or "pick-a-pack" meant to place something. The alternative, "back", implies that you're carrying something on your back.
By the 18th century people were saying "pickaback". As the origin of the phrase started to get lost, "pickaback" evolved into "piggyback", which we use today.
Agenda - Friday!
Students, please note the following in your agendas. Have them checked before putting them away.
- Last call for Mom's pantry
- Book orders go home today
- Lizzie - ITN Monday
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Michael Phelps' daily diet consists of 12 000 calories
- Breakfast is his highest caloric meal: 3 fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. 1 five-egg omelet. 1 bowl of grits. 3 slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. 3 chocolate-chip pancakes.
- Lunch: 1 pound of enriched pasta. 2 large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread.
- Dinner: 1 pound of pasta with a whole pizza.
For an athlete like Phelps this kind of diet is necessary. A rule of thumb is—if you eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight. Phelps is a calorie-burning machine. If he doesn't supply his body with sufficient calories, then he won’t recover for his next workout and will begin to lose weight. Beware to those who are looking too closely at Phelps’s food choices. At his caloric demand level, it doesn’t matter too much what he eats, as long as he is able to keep up.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Sports/Michael-Phelps-daily-diet-consists-of-12/50966?id=50966&fromTN&c_val=4#Cl5XXeRkczkjpcCT.99
Agenda - Thursday
We have a new student in 500! Welcome Eric - we are very pleased to have you join us!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Mom's pantry MUST be in TOMORROW
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Reading logs are due tomorrow
- New reading logs go home tonight
- Operation Christmas Child starts tomorrow
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The strangers in your dreams are actually people that you've seen in real life!
The Strangers in Your Dreams are Actually People That You’ve Seen in Real Life!
Chances are that you’ve laid their eyes on more than a few individuals, and so the brain as a huge cast of characters to play with when you drift off to sleep. Except for in the case of extreme psychological disorder, every human being dreams. In fact, in a recent study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each dream but still allowed 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty concentrating, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis in a span of three days.
When they were allowed their REM sleep, their brains compensated for the lost time by increasing the percentage of the sleep spent in the REM stage. Dreams are a window into the subconscious. Even though most of the time, they’re completely random, disorganized, and we forget 90% of them within 10 minutes of waking up; many people have drawn inspiration from their dreams. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was a based on a dream that she had.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Science/The-Strangers-in-Your-Dreams-are-Actuall/51514?id=51514&fromTN&c_val=5#ZkH8zWMkEdo6QpBd.99
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Mom's Pantry forms!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaron, Makayla (others?)
- Halloween tomorrow - This will be your only day to bring candy to school (in the afternoon only!)
- Parade/Assembly at 1:30
- Dress up in the afternoon ONLY please :) SRC will be awarding prizes to the best dressed.
- Bring a booklight or flashlight (just in case) tomorrow - Guided reading groups with Miss S. especially
Monday, October 29, 2012
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Science tomorrow - Please bring an old shirt or a garbage bag to wear over your clothes tomorrow
- If anyone has ice cream pails they can bring tomorrow, please do so! We'll need a few for science :)
- MOM'S PANTRY forms are OVERDUE. Bring these in ASAP
- New spelling lists go home today
- Kylie, Spencer, Delaney ITN tomorrow
- Wednesday - Halloween Costume parade and assembly at 1:30
- No Halloween Candy at school (except Wednesday afternoon!)
Friday, October 26, 2012
Agenda - Friday!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Mom's pantry orders DUE MONDAY
- Spelling sheets/points are now OVERDUE
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Hot lunch is tomorrow
- Spelling sheets TOMORROW
- Spelling points TOMORROW
- Spelling test TOMORROW. Please let someone at home know if you attended ASAP today or not
- ITN - Delaney, Austin tomorrow
There's an island in Puerto Rico inhabited exclusively by a few scientists and 861 monkeys
There’s an island in Puerto Rico inhabited exclusively by a few scientists and 861 monkeys.
Some of the researchers study the monkeys’ social hierarchies and interactions as part of a new field of research called sociobiology. Others are experimental psychologists who study the animal’s thinking process, often by employing attention grabbing colored poster boards and bags of fruit.
As different as the processes of the two disciplines are, the results they garner enhance our understanding of the species closes to ours, and according to some scientists can be used as “a window into the evolutionary past of human beings.”
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Animals/There-s-an-island-in-Puerto-Rico-inhabit/53049?id=53049&fromTN&c_val=9#3SyXeOOKAoHrTF48.99
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Spelling 40 points AND SHEETS due Friday.
- ASAP tomorrow at lunch. You may work on Spelling if you think you'll need more time to do it then
- Parent volunteers for hot lunch on Friday- Ms. Armstrong, Mrs. Schick, Mrs. Martinook, Mrs. Lamb - THANK YOU!
- Spelling test - Friday
- Austin, Jasmine - ITN tomorrow
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Agenda - Tuesday
Thank you to all parents who volunteered to help out with hot lunch on Friday! If there is anyone else who is willing to help, please e-mail me asap at cschmelinsky@mail.gssd.ca
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Pictures go home today
- New note from office goes home today - Parents, check your e-mail
Monday, October 22, 2012
Random phobia of the day
Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/top#Ii4KQ1LWGtVFILGE.99
Loneliness is processed in the same part of the brain as physical pain.
The researchers wrote: "Evidence suggests that some of the same neural machinery recruited in the experience of pain may also be associated with social separation or rejection." This study seems to indicate that the average person is wired to need social acceptance.
This explains why people wear something just because everyone else does, why it stings so much to be the last person picked for a dodge ball game, and why people start knitting groups. It indicates that we have an inherent need for the company of others.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Science/Loneliness-is-processed-in-the-same-part/52686?id=52686&c_val=1#U6KA5JM1UeaeXF6U.99
Agenda - Monday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Hot lunch volunteer forms go home today
- New spelling words go home today
- ITN - Austin, Kade
- Ask me about: Miss Ritenburg
Friday, October 19, 2012
All Pilots Speak English

English is the official language of air travel, thanks to the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization. As of 2008, pilots and air traffic controllers are required to speak English, no matter what part of the world they are in. Since hundreds of lives have been lost in crashes attributed to communication problems between pilots and air traffic controllers or pilots and other pilots, it was determined that they all speak one standard language.
For example: 349 passengers died in a midair collision when a Saudi pilot and an Uzbek pilot failed to understand each other. 159 passengers on an American Airlines flight died when the pilot couldn’t understand an air traffic controller in Colombia.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/view/Facts/37393?id=37393&fromTN&c_val=2#Uxjbc82D1ba908pJ.99
Agenda - Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Placement starts next week (Miss Ritenburg will be teaching 2 classes per day all next week)
- Hot lunch forms are due Monday
- Anything else?
- Art - overdue (You know who you are... I don't)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- PINK math sheets - due tomorrow
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Random Fact - Tuesday
The world's largest primates stood 10 feet tall and may have coexisted with humans before going extinct!
We believe that they walked on all fours like gorillas and because of their massive jaw structures we believe that they ate primarily vegetables and bamboo. Its closest living relative is the orangutan, although the Gigantopithecus was five times heavier. Due to wide species dispersal and a changing climate, Gigantopithecus went extinct, but there’s no denying how amazing it would be to see a ten-foot tall primate!
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/#hkewo11MPVkIgHKP.99
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Hot lunch forms go home today - it is our month
- Lizzie, Dale, Cassie, Makayla, Austin, Colby, Taylen, Delaney, Kylie - You ALL have spelling homework tonight.
- ASAP at noon hours on Tuesday and Thursday - If you are not finished this spelling homework, you will be attending until your work is complete.
- Orange and Black day tomorrow - Wear your Halloween colours!
- School-wide reading buddies tomorrow in period 6
Monday, October 15, 2012
Happy Education Week - Monday's Agenda
Congratulations Garrett on your very special award! It is very exciting that a student from 500 has won the student of distinction award from the GSSD! You are very deserving and we are all extremely proud of you!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Mom's Pantry goes home today
- Pumpkin sale continues tomorrow
- Spelling sheets - Bany, Lizzie, Cassie, Makayla, Austin, Colby, Taylen, Delaney, Kylie
- Anything else?
Friday, October 12, 2012
Australian Football makes players run more than any other sport. About 8.5 miles per game!
The English soccer league runs a couple miles less than the AFL players do. AFL fields aren’t uniform, but the dimensions of their arenas vary, which adds to their physical demand. Players actually spend an average of 5 minutes and 25 seconds per match running at over 18 kilometers per hour.
The Australian Football League was founded in 1897 as the Victorian Football League. They began with 8 teams and are responsible for governing the laws of the game. The teams were all located within the Australian state of Victoria.
The name was changed to the Australian Football League in 1990 and currently has 18 teams spread over the five states in Australia.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/#8EbvZwXkBSLZeAkT.99
Agenda - Friday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- My resting heart rate:
- My active heart rate:
- Spelling sheets are OVERDUE. Have them here on MONDAY
- Health - Lizzie, Makayla, True, Delaney
- Pumpkin sale starts Monday
- Education week is next week - Awards ceremony at 1:00 on Monday
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Agenda - Thursday Early D
Students please note the following in your agendas:
- Pictures are now LATE. Bring them in ASAP
- Spelling sheets are due tomorrow
- SRC Cookie day is tomorrow
- True, Colby ITN tomorrow
- Health - Lizzie, Makayla, True, Delaney, Kylie
- Spelling POINTS are due tomorrow (You owe me 40)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The human eye has around 576 megapixels!
The average human retina has five million cone receptors on it and 100 million rods that detect monochrome contrast. The cone receptors are responsible for color vision and the rods are play an important role in the sharpness of the image you see.
Both your eyes are continually flicking around to cover a much larger area than your field of vision and the composite image is translated in your brain. It’s similar to stitching together a panoramic photo. In good lighting you can distinguish two fine lines if they’re separated by at least 0.6 arc-minutes.
That would give you an equivalent pixel-size of 0.3 arc-minutes. All in all, the human eye has about 576 megapixels. Women have more cones than men do, and therefore see colors brighter than their male counterparts. However, due to this, men can see better at night.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/#E4Ozir9XQ5uBOZoV.99
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Boxing day! - Agenda
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Ask me about: Our new friends
Bring your name suggestions for our friends tomorrow
Health - Lizzie, Makayla, True, Delaney, Kylie
Writers club tomorrow
Ask me about: Our new friends
Bring your name suggestions for our friends tomorrow
Health - Lizzie, Makayla, True, Delaney, Kylie
Writers club tomorrow
Friday, October 5, 2012
Agenda - Long weekend - FRIDAY
Happy Thanksgiving weekend everybody!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Book orders go home today (Due Oct. 11th)
- Spelling points (30) due Tuesday
- Reminder: Reading logs over Thanksgiving
Carrots haven't been orange for that long!
Carrots haven’t been orange for that long!
It is believed that this strange desire to change the color of a vegetable was brought about the fact that the emblem of the House of Carrots was also orange. So, the orange carrot became popular in the Netherlands because it represented the struggle for Dutch independence.
It is more likely however, that the success of orange carrots had to the fact the orange carrots that the Dutch developed were sweeter and more fleshy than the purple ones.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/6#yFvqyEu1WBhbDj1z.99
One could crawl through the arteries in a blue whale’s heart.
It only beats once every ten seconds and the beat is so loud that it can be heard two miles away. If you’re agile enough, you could crawl right through its arteries because of how big they are. The heart is actually so big, it’s the size of a mini cooper.
Some other facts about just how big blue whales are: Their lungs are pretty big too. Each lung is the size of an average closet. Also, their tongues are so heavy that they outweigh elephants! As far as overall size goes, you've probably heard they can be as large as two city buses. Let’s just be thankful they don’t eat people.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/3#OJrH2O6JEYgcYlQW.99
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- School pictures go home today
- Spelling test tomorrow
- ITN - ?
- Library tomorrow - Bring books!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday Agenda
- Spelling pre-test tomorrow
- X-country permission forms
- ELA mystery stories due tomorrow
- Ask me about: Cool Kids Care presentation
Monday, October 1, 2012
Agenda - Monday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
-Spelling sheets due TOMORROW (Tuesday)
-In the News Presentations start Tomorrow (Kylie and Spencer)
-Cross Country permission forms go home today
-Library notes go home today!
-Anything Else?
-Spelling sheets due TOMORROW (Tuesday)
-In the News Presentations start Tomorrow (Kylie and Spencer)
-Cross Country permission forms go home today
-Library notes go home today!
-Anything Else?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Cross Country meet tomorrow - Bring water bottle, lunch (or money) and Dress in layers!! It was very cold last year even though it was a nice day!
- Miss S. is gone to Cross Country tomorrow - Mr. Albers will be here for me! - Yay!
- Reading logs go home today
- Spelling test tomorrow (Home free - Garrett, Colby, Spencer, Anteneh, Madison) Jasmine - on Monday
Random fact of the day - Thursday
The television was invented before sliced bread!

Philo T. Farnsworth of San Francisco, CA patented the first television system on September 7, 1927 - nearly a full year before Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented the first bread slicer in Davenport, IA. I guess television COULDN'T be called "the greatest thing since sliced bread!"
You can read more about Farnsworth here.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3)
Philo T. Farnsworth of San Francisco, CA patented the first television system on September 7, 1927 - nearly a full year before Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented the first bread slicer in Davenport, IA. I guess television COULDN'T be called "the greatest thing since sliced bread!"
You can read more about Farnsworth here.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Words I got wrong sheets (in pouch)
- Book fair - The day to bring your money for book fair is TOMORROW
- Rainbows - bring them tomorow if they aren't done (Since Miss S won't be here Friday)
- Anything else?
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Random fact of the day - Tuesday
If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water! When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Miss S. is back today
- Ask me about: My Blog
- Reading buddies to the book fair tomorrow - Don't bring your money for book fair stuff until THURSDAY
- Cross Country permission forms! (Garrett, Jasmine, Anteneh)
- Cross Country meet in Saltcoats on Friday!
- Anything I've missed?
Friday, September 21, 2012
Random fact of the day
Astronauts can't belch - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs
Its Friday!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Book Fair - Tuesday - Viewing only. Don't bring money until Thursday.
- Have I missed anything?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Agenda - Thursday
Wheow!! What a great busy day today! We watched a movie to get us ready for the Terry Fox Walk tomorrow and had a busy BUSY P.E. class with room 501!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Terry Fox walk tomorrow at 1:30 - Bring Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Joe, Cousin Floyd...
- I'm still taking toonie donations for the cause
- Spelling homework for whoever wasn't finished today
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Thank you to all parents who came to meet me last night :) I look forward to meeting everyone else sometime in the near future!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- CHERRYDALE meet is tomorrow for Cross Country - Make sure you come dressed in layers! Remember: Water bottle, lunch (or money),
- Spelling red and blue/pyramids due tomorrow
- Bring P.E. clothes for combined P.E. tomorrow
- Terry Fox donations
Random Fact of the Day - Wednesday
The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Meet the teacher night - 6:45 in the gym TONIGHT
- Terry Fox Walk is on Friday at 1:30
- Cross Country Thursday - You'll leave right after announcements and be back between 2:30 and 3:00
- Book Fair Notes go home today
Monday, September 17, 2012
Random Fact of the Day - Monday
If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth!
Monday - Agenda
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Picture day tomorrow
- Meet the creature night tomorrow at 6:45
- Spelling sentences - DUE TOMORROW
- New Spelling words go home tonight
Friday, September 14, 2012
Random fact of the day for Friday
To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual flowers
Friday Agenda!
Its Friiiiday Friiiiday.......
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Davison Dairy is starting up on Monday
- "Davison School Student Verification Sheet" is going home today. Please have Mom/Dad/Grandma sign this and bring it back to school ASAP!
- Anything I've missed?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Agenda - Wednesday
Happy Wednesday!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- My NEW parent access code
- Ask me about: My spelling words
- Early D tomorrow (Don't bring a lunch. You will be dismissed for the day at 11:45)
- Early morning half P.E. tomorrow morning - Be ready!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Agenda - Tuesday
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Still missing a few agenda/t-shirt $$
- TWO letters from me are going home today. Please bring back the second sheet filled out tomorrow
Random Fact of the day - Tuesday
After a power outage in LA, people called asking what the bright lights in the sky were. They didn't know what STARS were!
Light pollution has become sort of a problem in very developed areas. Apparently two thirds of the world can’t see the Milky Way at night because of it. As you probably know, light pollution is caused by an excess of artificial light, resulting in an inability to see much of the starry sky.
In Los Angeles, for example, stars are barely visible at night. In some areas they can’t be seen at all at night. But surely everyone knows that, right? Wrong. In 1994, following the Northridge earthquake at 4:31 a.m., the local observatory received many calls asking about “the strange sky” people were seeing after the earthquake. What happened?
The earthquake had cause a blackout, and because so many people had never left the city and thus never seen stars, the sight was completely foreign to them. The sad truth of it is that this is only going to get worse. The more that places become urbanized, the more people will grow up not knowing just how many stars are in the sky.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/#gvUg3frfJR23Mwox.99
Monday, September 10, 2012
Agenda - Monday
Happy Monday everyone!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- "What I'd like to know about you" sheets are now OVERDUE
- Please bring a water bottle with you to school tomorrow
- Agenda $ / T-shirt $
- We're heading to the library tomorrow
- Please bring INDOOR SHOES if you haven't already
Friday, September 7, 2012
Friday Agenda!
Holy smokes! We are already done the first day of school! I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying Grade 5 as much as I am so far this year!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Agenda $
"What I'd like to know about you" sheets due Monday
Check out my blog! :
Cross Country Forms due soon
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Agenda $
"What I'd like to know about you" sheets due Monday
Check out my blog! :
Cross Country Forms due soon
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Random Fact of the day - Friday
Canada is implementing a new glow in the dark quarter with a dinosaur on it!
Canada decided to mint this coin with a dinosaur on it because the Pachyrhinosaurus lacustai, which is the creature depicted, was the first dinosaur found in the Alberta region, which led to the discovery of a plethora of other dinosaur remains. To make the coin even more alluring scientists added a new design that is infused with a photo-luminescent element that allows the dinosaur’s skeleton to glow in the dark!
If you plan on acquiring one of these coins we suggest you do it quickly because only 25,000 will be minted and will cost around 30 dollars each!
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/2#TFG6CSOXpQVyQjhO.99
Thursday's Agenda
Students please note the following in your agendas :
- Davison Day is tomorrow - Wear your Davison shirt (Or a green shirt)
- Tomorrow is Literacy Day - We're all sitting down at 10:00 and reading as a school
- T-shirt and agenda money
- Reading Club forms go home tonight
- Cross Country forms are due soon
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday Agenda
My apologies for being late on this agenda message! Its only day two and my computer is giving me grief! :) This was the agenda message students were to write today:
- Agenda money/T-shirt money (New forms will be distributed tomorrow)
- Bring a book for in class reading if you haven't already
- New newsletter was e-mailed today!
Agenda?! What for?
Communication is key to having a successful learning experience! Communication is a three way street between YOU the student, YOU the child's caregiver, and ME (Miss S). One way I intend to keep these lines of communication open at all times is through our agendas. Every day throughout the school year, we will write a message which includes reminders about upcoming events, due dates, and other important things to remember. Each night students will be asked to bring their agendas home and have it initialed by an adult caregiver. I have explained to students that it is THEIR responsibility to have their agendas signed, so blaming a parent for not signing isn't an option.
This agenda also gives parents a chance to write a message for me any time they would like!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Agenda - First day of school!
What a wonderful first day back at school! I hope everyone had a great summer vacation and that you are as excited as I am to start a brand new school year!
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
Students, please note the following in your agendas:
- Agenda money ($7.50)
- T-Shirt Money($13.50) If you need a new form, please let Miss S. know asap!
- Insurance forms go home today
- Bring a book for in class reading
- Cross Country starts tomorrow! (Bring your lunch if you usually go home)
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