Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Mall of America is using 72 000 ladybugs as pest control!

The Mall of America is using 72,000 ladybugs as pest control!

We've had facts before about how big the Mall of America is. To recap: It's huge. It's so big, it has a full theme park inside and 7 Yankee stadiums could fit inside. The Mall has over 30,000 live plants, including 400 trees. As a result, the Mall also has pests that affect plants.
Aphids feed on plants and are generally a gardener's bad news. To keep the aphid population down, the Mall of America groundskeepers recently released about 72,000 ladybugs in the mall. Ladybugs prey on Aphids and will hopefully keep the mall's plants green and happy.

Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/category/4/Animals#zwvKM6xJTtW1QZgW.99

Agenda - Snoooooowwwwy Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Note goes home today/e-mail
  • Overdue books : Austin, Cassie, Kylie, Garrett
  • April reading logs are due tomorrow
  • No marks for March reading logs for: Makayla, Bany, Colby, Austin, Taylen, Delaney, True and Anteneh.
  • Book talks - Last Call

Monday, April 29, 2013

An allergist has spent 60 years cracking only his left hand knuckles to prove it's not bad for you.

An allergist has spent 60 years cracking ONLY his left-hand knuckles to prove it's not bad for you!

The original fact on cracking your knuckles is one of our most popular of all time. Basically, it said that cracking your knuckles is not bad for you, no matter what the old wives' tales may say.
However, probably the most convincing study on this comes from a man who just won an "Ig Nobel" for his self-study on knuckle-cracking.
Dr. Donald Unger has spent the better part of the last 60 years cracking the knucles of his left hand. He started because he wanted to prove his mom wrong when she told him he would have health problems if he kept doing it.
Since he started, he has NEVER cracked the knuckles on his right hand. This means that, if it's true that cracking your knuckles was bad for your fingers, then his left-hand fingers would have a horrible arthritis while his right-hand fingers would be ok.
Well, the doctor, now 83, says "there is not the slightest sign of arthritis in either hand." His research has won him an "Ig Nobel," which is a tongue-in-cheek parody of the real Nobel awards.
I'm glad he did this, because I don't know if I'd have the willpower to resist NOT cracking my other hand's knuckles if I could only do one side.

Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/History/An-Allergist-Has-Spent-60-Years-Cracking/49260#lgXhAtAPGdK50yRT.99

Agenda - Monday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • We are still in need of Kleenex. Thank you to the 3 people who brought some in last week.  Tis the season for sniffles and runny noses!
  • Bring costumes for filming tomorrow
  • Math #1-2 due tomorrow
  • New spelling lists go home today
  • Reading logs are due Thursday
  • Science projects due Friday
  • Physical Activity posters due Thursday
  • ASAP tomorrow at lunch if you will have trouble getting any of these assignments in on time.

Friday, April 26, 2013

There is a record for the number of tennis balls held in a dog's mouth.

There’s a record for the number of tennis balls held in a dog’s mouth!

The world record is 5 tennis balls. It’s held by a golden retriever named Augie. He lives in Dallas, TX with the Miller family. The record was set in 2003, when Augie successfully held 5 standard sized tennis balls in his mouth. I don't know what's more interesting... the fact that Augie held 5 balls in his mouth, or that they keep track of these things.

Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/Animals/There-s-A-Record-For-The-Number-Of-Tenni/49327#WwBKdLwL5cLuOvkD.99

Some stars are as cold as the human body!

Scientists have discovered 6 Y dwarf stars that are as cold as the human body. This was an exciting discovery, because astronomers had unsuccessfully been looking for the stars for over a decade. The reason for this is that these specific stars are nearly impossible to see with a visible-light telescope.
You can only see them with infrared vision telescopes, though. They are the coldest of the brown dwarf family and known as “failed” stars, because they're too low in mass to fuse atoms at their core and burn the fires that keep stars like our sun, shining .

Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/History/Some-Stars-Are-As-Cold-As-The-Human-Body/49331#Ymxx8CuY8SBU0cRZ.99

Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:

  • We are out of kleenex :(  Please bring some to school if you can
  • Have a great weekend! :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Agenda - Thursday

Students, please note the following in your agendas: 
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • Spelling sheets due tomorrow
  • Miss S. gone until next Thursday - Mr. Peterson will be in 
  • Dance tonight
  • Fairy Tale News to resume taping next Thursday
  • New e-mail/newsletter sent home today about the school time change next year!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Agenda - Wednesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • School dance tomorrow night
  • Miss S. will be gone Friday - Wednesday - Mr. Peterson will be subbing
  • Science projects due NEXT Friday
  • Overdue book talks
  • March reading logs missing - Makayla, Madison, Bany, Colby, Austin, Taylen, True, Delaney, Anteneh - You will be staying in for ASAP reading until they are in.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cockroaches can live for 30 days after their head has been cut off

While it is more average for a cockroach to only live headless for 9 days or so, they can live for extremely long amounts of time. Cockroaches breathe through spiracles, which deliver air to each cell of the body through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain does not control the breathing through the spiracles. So they don't need a head to breathe!

Also, the cockroach does not have blood pressure the way a mammal does, so cutting off the head does not lead to uncontrolled bleeding. What about food? They need much less food - single meal is enough to last them a whole month! This ability isn't all its cracked up to be, however - without a head, the cockroach would just sit around without doing much.
Read more at http://www.omg-facts.com/History/Cockroaches-Can-Life-For-Up-To-30-Days-A/1418#Ows20G4CwpsTZ2U4.99


Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

Blinking is a reflex that is started by a sudden noise. Studies show that women react more quickly then men to these sudden noises, and blink both twice as hard and often as men.

Monday's Agenda Message

We will be travelling by bus to Yorkton tomorrow for the GSSD track meet! Make sure you are here ON TIME, or you will miss the bus! 
Things to pack:
  • Water Bottle
  • Lunch
  • Appropriate Shoes
  •  You MAY bring ipods etc. but YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM!
Book talks will continue Wednesday - They are now 2 weeks late!

New spelling lists go home today

We will continue filming our Fairy Tales Wednesday - Make sure you have your costumes here!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Agenda - Early D

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Miss S. away tomorrow - Miss Cloutier sub
  • Spelling points (50) due tomorrow
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • Bring costumes for Fairy Tale tomorrow - Miss Cloutier will continue taping
  • Track meet Tuesday
  • Library on Monday - Bring your books
  • March reading logs - Missing Aaron, Madison, Bany, Makayla, Colby, Austin, Taylen, True, Delaney, Anteneh
  • Book Talks - Delaney, Dale, Taylen, Kylie

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Agenda - Wednesday

Students, please note the following in  your agendas:
  • Early Dismissal tomorrow
  • Miss Cloutier in for Miss S. on Friday
  • Bring costumes and props for filming fairy tale tomorrow
  • Guided reading restarted today
  • Friday - Last day to work on science projects - You may take yours home to work on.