Monday, June 24, 2013

So many people got blisters from Mario Party, Nintendo offered to send gloves with the game

So many people got blisters from Mario Party, Nintendo offered to send gloves with the game!

Mario Party is one of the most successful games of all time and holds the record for longest running mini game series with Mario Party 9. The basic premise of the game consists of each player controlling a character from the Mario universe in a board game, and then competing in mini-games for additional bonuses.
The original game was first released for the Nintendo 64 back in 1998, and was incredibly successful. The game was so successful, in fact, that many of the kids playing suffered from blisters!
Specifically, players received friction burns and lacerations from rotating the analog stick with the palm of their hand for more power instead of their index finger or thumb.
No lawsuits were ever filed, but there were nearly 100 complaints. Nintendo was so distressed by these complaints that they agreed to give gloves to anyone who had suffered a blister and even paid $75,000 in state legal fees!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Bring recorders tomorrow
  • Library books - Bany, Colby, Tadyn, Taylen, Delaney, Anteneh, Jasmine, Aaron, Lizzie, Eric, Dale, Cassie, Austin, Jon, True, Madison Spencer

Friday, June 14, 2013

Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Swimming Monday (DELANEY! PERMISSION FORM!!!)
  • Bring your art projects back by Tuesday
  • Health poster - Dale

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Agenda - Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Letter to your Grade 6 teacher due tomorrow
  • Dale and Delaney - Anti-Bullying Poster overdue
  • Early D Thursday
  • Music Tomorrow - Bring your recorders!
  • Combined boys P.E. tomorrow/ Combined Girls "Girl Stuff" with Mrs. Unterchute and Miss S.
  • Swimming forms - Taylen and Delaney

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Butterflies in your stomach are caused by a lack of blood

You know that sensation you get in your stomach when the person you are completely in love with looks in your general direction or when there’s only one more muffin left and you’re afraid the person in front of you in line is going to ask for it (other than hunger) or when your being hunted by a lion in the African savanna? Those “butterflies in your stomach” are a response to stress.
When people are stressed, they experience a “fight-or-flight” response. Brain signals are transmitted to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which are parts of the brain responsible for controlling bodily functions. The pituitary gland instantly signals the adrenal glands which sit on top of each kidney. Those glands release adrenaline and other chemicals into your blood stream.
The adrenaline causes rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, and improved circulation of muscle so that you deal with or flee from the source of the stress (whether it be your beloved, the person in front of you in line, or a vicious lion in the African savanna).
Since blood is flowing to your lungs and muscles, less of it is reaching other organs including the stomach. This causes the light, nauseating sensation we all know and hate.


Agenda - Wednesday

Students, please note the following in  your agendas:
  • Tomorrow - Grade 5 Art museum - Make sure you have everything you need
  • Swimming forms - ?  Do I have yours?
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • 50 points tomorrow

Monday, June 3, 2013

Agenda - Monday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Miss S. away tomorrow - Miss Delorme will be in for me
  • New spelling lists go home today
  • Swimming schedules/Anamarie Riley bios go home today
  • Reading logs are due TOMORROW
  • No reading log for June
  • Challenge : Who can do as many random acts of kindness by tomorrow?