Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The meaning behind stamps

The way you place a stamp on an envelope has a meaning!

If you're like me, you probably place stamps on an envelope with little to no care for how. Well, just like me, you may have been accidentally sending love letters to business connections because of how you placed it!
The coded messages started in the Victorian era, as a hidden sign of courtship at an age where parents heavily censored mail. If you place a stamp upside down, for example, it means I Love You; diagonally, it means I miss you.
So now you know, if for whatever reason you still use snail mail, be careful how you stamp your letters. Check out more interesting info on this at the source.


Wednesday - Agenda

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Conferences tonight and tomorrow
  • Jump Rope for Heart tomorrow - Wear your superhero gear! (Whatever that might be. :) )
  • Book talks continue tomorrow
  • Anything else?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Agenda - Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Awards assembly period 3 tomorrow
  • Conferences tomorrow and Thursday
  • Jump Rope for Heart Thursday afternoon - (Super Hero Theme)
  • Book Talks continue tomorrow
  • Anything else?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Agenda - Monday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Book talks start tomorrow
  • Jump Rope Thursday
  • Conferences start tonight - Make sure you know when yours is!
  • Report Cards come home today! YAY!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Agenda - Thursday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Delaney, Makayla, Austin Track forms
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • 50 Spelling points due tomorrow
  • Davison Day tomorrow
  • Choir members - Music Fest tomorrow. Good luck!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Olympic rower once stopped mid-race to allow ducklings to pass; he still won the race.


Henry 'Bobby' Pearce was one of the best scullers of the early 20th century. The Australian phenomenon won Gold Medals at both the 1928 and the 1932 Olympic Games. He came from a long line of talented scullers and his family is referred to as the "First Family" of Australian rowing.
It turns out that Pearce was so good that he could afford to make the races a little harder on himself. In the quarter finals of the 1928 Olympics, Pearce pulled up during his race to let a mother duck and her ducklings pass in front of his boat.
Who could say no to those floating balls of fuzz? The crowd, especially the children were delighted by this act of kindness.
Pearce went on to beat his opponent, Frenchman V. Savrin, and easily win the race. He also set a new Olympic record of 7 minutes 42.8 seconds. He went on to win the gold, and thanks to both his prowess and the duckling incident, his was one of the most popular victories at that Olympics.


Agenda - Wednesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Jump rope envelopes due Friday
  • Indoor track forms due tomorrow

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

All pilots speak English

 English is the official language of air travel, thanks to the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization. As of 2008, pilots and air traffic controllers are required to speak English, no matter what part of the world they are in. Since hundreds of lives have been lost in crashes attributed to communication problems between pilots and air traffic controllers or pilots and other pilots, it was determined that they all speak one standard language.

For example: 349 passengers died in a midair collision when a Saudi pilot and an Uzbek pilot failed to understand each other. 159 passengers on an American Airlines flight died when the pilot couldn’t understand an air traffic controller in Colombia.

Agenda - Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Interview schedules go home tonight
  • Missing Personal Hero Posters- Liz, Dale, Makayla, Austin
  • Library day tomorrow - Bring any books to be renewed/returned
  • Track forms & $2 due Thursday
  • Conference Prep. starts tomorrow

Monday, March 18, 2013

Some lizards remove their tails when attacked by predators

When attacked, the lizards detach their tails and run off. The predator feasts on the lizard tail, and the lizard escapes and grows a new tail.

This is a trait that appears in several lizard species. This defense mechanism appears in lizard populations that come into contact with poisonous vipers.

Losing ones tail impairs growth and mobility, so it has little evolutionary advantage. It's only advantageous when lizards are preyed upon by venomous snakes. When bitten in the tail by a venomous snake, the lizards receive a lethal dose of poison. They need to learn to amputate their own tails in order to save the rest of their bodies.

Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Personal Heroes poster - Aaron, Liz, Dale, Makayla, Austin, True, Madison, Colby
  • Note from Miss Senyk goes home today
  • Track meet forms go home today and are due THURSDAY - We will have tried everything by Wednesday
  • Anything else?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas: 
  • Last day to  bring your envelopes for the pizza party is Monday
  • Missing assignments
  • Book talks start one week from Monday
  •  Start thinking about possible costumes for your character in the play we read through yesterday

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random piece of advice

Never miss a high-five again! Look at the other person's elbow first.


Agenda - Thursday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Wear as much green as you can tomorrow for St. Patrick's Day
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • Spelling sheets due tomorrow
  • Book talks start NEXT MONDAY

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Agenda - Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Science Center Trip tomorrow.
  • Parents, check your email.
  • Winter gear - (Boots etc)
  • Water  Bottle
  • Bagged lunch/Snacks
  • Money (optional)
  • 7:30 a.m. be here (Set your alarms earlier!)
  • Book Orders due Tomorrow
  • Early D on Thursday

Monday, March 11, 2013

Agenda - Monday

Students, please note the following in your agendas :
  • Field trip on Wednesday - bring your final questions for Miss S. tomorrow
  • New spelling lists go home today
  • Jump Rope Envelopes - $100 donations bring your envelopes to show Miss S. to get your name on the pizza party list

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Sun is actually White

Contradicting everything that you learned in kindergarten and coloring our sun, the sun actually is white and not yellow. It is our atmosphere that gives the sun the yellowish tint that we are familiar with.
Stars have different colors depending on what stage of their lifecycle they are, and what temperature they're burning. Stars that are relatively cool, and burn at around 3500 Kelvin will be red. Stars that are really hot, over 10,000 Kelvin, will be blue. Our sun burns at approximately 6,000 degrees kelvin, which means there is only one color it can be; white!


Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Mrs. Raine here on Monday
  • Jump Rope envelopes - Once you raise $100 bring your ENVELOPES only to Miss S. so you can be on the Pizza Party List

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Agenda - Thursday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:

  • Davison Day tomorrow
  • Spelling test tomorrow
  • 40 Spelling points due tomorrow
  • Hero poster/sheet due tomorrow

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Agenda - Wednesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • James Edgar was here today for a moon presentation
  • Science Center Permission forms are now overdue
  • Math homework - Bany, Colby, Delaney, Jonathan, Madison, Spencer, Taylen and True - Blue sheet # 11-16 due TOMORROW.
  • ASAP tomorrow for anyone who didn't hand in a reading log in February or needs/wants to catch up on assignments

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Agenda - Tuesday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Math #1-13 due tomorrow
  • Jump rope kick off tomorrow
  • Ask me about : Who am I?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Agenda - Monday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Math #1-6 Due tomorrow. I will check your homework
  • Science logs - Cassie, Austin, True, Bany, Colby, Taylen, Delaney, Anteneh
  • How I became Canadian - Lizzie, Dale, Makayla, Austin, Taylen, Delaney
  • If I don't have your reading log tomorrow from February, or if you have less than 300 minutes, you will be staying for ASAP tomorrow to S.U.R.F.  This will continue throughout the month.
  • RAFTS - Overdue - Austin, Makayla, Kylie, Dale, Colby, Tadyn, Jasmine
  • Interview forms must come back a.s.a.p.
  • Field Trip forms go home today

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sandbox Tree

This is the sandbox tree, found throughout the tropical regions of the Americas.
Not only is its trunk covered in these scary looking thorns (leading to its nickname, Monkey no-climb) its fruit actually EXPLODE when ripe. The pumpkin like fruits launch their seeds away at speeds of up to 160 mph, and some sources report seeds being found as much as 100 metres from the exploding fruit.

Agenda - Friday

Students, please note the following in your agendas:
  • Family Remedy sheets - Due Monday
  • New reading logs go home today
  • February Reading Logs are now overdue
  • "My family's remedies" sheet due Monday